I think this may be a one day-only deal but the router normally costs $79.99 [Update: 6/16/2003, 09:05 AM: Well, it turns out this deal is still available. Check the CompUSA web site]. There’s a $20 Internet purchase instant rebate and a $30 mail-in that brings the cost way down. Now, it’s 802.11b, not the newer 802.11g but it’s cheap enough that you could make a case for throwing it away when the price of 802.11g hardware comes down. Go to http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=295202&pfp=hpfod#checkstore for details on the router.
The Belkin card is, I think, a card that I tested out in a prior life and found it to be almost as good as the Orinoco card I use. The price is $59.99 with a $30 mail-in rebate. See http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=287284&pfp=BROWSE for the card.