The article at gives a good high level overview of web3 and its differences from our current web/internet (web2 or web 2.0). What it misses is that all those machines that participate in the chain still need to be paid for along with any hosting and network charges, not to mention the additional resource required to validate and add blocks to the chain.
How are they paid for now, in web2? Generally 2 methods: 1 direct subscription fees (New York Times, Wall Street Journal, etc), 2 your personal information (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc). Could this same model be used? Sure but what I’ve seen put forth in many instances is, in order to protect privacy, users directly pay for the resource using some cryptocurrency. In a privacy-focused web, that’s certainly the most private but how much will you be charged for a “transaction” (i.e. a visit to a site, a page refresh, etc.).
I’m not sure any of this has been sorted out yet. Depending on the level of anonymity desired (and expected) by web3 users, it may not be possible to “pay” with your personal information. Some companies are working on directories whereby a user can control what information is made available to all sites, certain sites, etc but, again, this all is still in a major state of flux. I anxiously await the sorting out.