January 2008

Vista and Mobility

I have Vista on one of my new laptops and, whatever you may think about Vista, it’s an interesting experience – there’s a lot of good in the new system (Bluetooth and wireless that “just work”, for instance). I’ve got a Windows Mobile phone that I regularly connect to my laptops to transfer and archive data and, I have to admit, it’s easier to manage with Vista than with my XP systems. Information Week has a good article entitled Going Mobile With Windows Vista that talks about mobile computing on Vista; things like power saving settings, the Mobility Center and like that. Apparently the article is an excerpt from a Que book

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Super Minimalist Micro Calendar

While not strictly a mobile topic, I’m filing this under Mobile because it helps you BE mobile!

Saint Louis University has published a super-small 2008 calendar but not in a form you’d expect. It shows what day the first of each month falls and the date of the first Sunday in each month. With some very rudimentary arithmetic, you can easily compute other days/dates

Instructions and a downloadable PDF are here.

(From Lifehacker.)

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