… but the default MTU size on Windows XP systems will often reduce the throughput of PPPoE connections. You need to check out your provider’s MTU size and adjust accordingly (thanks to Scot’s Newsletter for this). In it he makes reference to SpeedGuide.net, a site I haven’t been to in a long time, spending instead, a lot of my time on the DSLReports site. But the SpeedGuide.net site has got a lot of good information on it that DSLReports only has in its forums like its Windows 2000/XP Registry Tweaks as well as downloads like the TCP Optimizer which will optimize your settings for your provider.
Some of the stuff is wildly out of date (a review of Tiny Software Personal Firewall V1.0 from 2000?) but the downloads and the tweaks and the news are worthwhile. Just wish they had an RSS feed.
BTW, check out the current issue of Scot’s Newslettercause he’s got a review of VoIP residential provider Vonage.