CyberSecurity Alerts from Homeland Security

For what it’s worth.

The Department of Homeland Security announced today that they have created a “Cyber Alert System” to deliver “timely and actionable information to better secure their systems” (their words). The press release is available here. They talk about providing “products” which are really just emails: bi-weekly tips for the non-techie, bi-weekly bulletins and summaries for the techie, and Alerts (in two forms, one for the non-techie and one for the techie). You can sign up for these at

I know, I subscribe to the CERT mailings and to the Secunia alerts.

Upate 19:47: Turns out that the Homeland’s updates are done in concert with CERT. Got an email from CERT shortly after I published this entry explaining this.

2 thoughts on “CyberSecurity Alerts from Homeland Security”

  1. This reminded me to re-subscribe to CERT (was on list with my Seagull email address.) Followed the link on their web site, signed up, got an email saying illegal command (they are not signing any new entries even though the web site still tells you to do it.) Then I went to the new url listed in the email (or tried to) and got a site not found. How UNIX-like! 😉

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